Wellbeing4business Ltd

Leading the business of Wellbeing

Transform your organisation’s Occupational Health, wellbeing service.

One team, trusted by NHS Trusts, public & private organisations.

20+ years of experience within OH & wellbeing, business consulting and fitness industries ensures we are fully equipped to meet all your health and wellbeing requirements.

NEW – Join our Members Group

Launching soon – Join the waiting list

If you’re a people professional or business leader, it is likely that at some point when managing employee wellbeing you have been:

  1. Confused by the volume of contradictory information surrounding employee wellbeing, which ultimately has left you not knowing where to start.
  2. Overwhelmed by the number of wellbeing providers to choose from.
  3. Frustrated that wellbeing services don’t address the root cause of the problem.
  4. Stressed because you’re trying to manage this role whilst doing your day job.

We’re here to help – The member’s group is an online community where you can interact with our team and other people professionals and business owners who have a shared interest in improving their Occupational Health service, wellbeing provision or reducing absence. We post exclusive content and templates to help you make sustainable change.

We aim to offer amazing value at a low cost and will provide you with almost all of the same info as our consulting clients receive (it just won’t be specific to you and your organisation).

Coaching & Consulting Support

If you’re looking for more in-depth support or to develop something specific to your organisation, our 1-2-1 coaching & consulting support ensures that employee wellbeing becomes a KPI within your organisation.

We recognise that each organisation is at a different stage when supporting employee health & wellbeing and there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

We pride ourselves on being able to support you and your organisation no matter where you are on that journey.

We focus on supporting people professionals and business leaders to transform the provision of wellbeing support with the aim of elevating Occupational health & wellbeing services and managing absence effectively and efficiently.

What does that look like?

It’s as Easy as 1, 2, 3…

  1. Understand – We start our journey together with an audit to benchmark your current wellbeing service, utilising information from Occupational Health, wellbeing and absence/attendance.
  2. Plan – From this, we help you to develop a strategy, KPIs and SOPs.
  3. Engage & measure – Finally, we bring your strategy to life by coaching you through the delivery and implementation of your strategy.

We get a kick out of seeing strategies come to life and knowing that we are making an impact, ensuring that we are fully invested in the success of our work with you.

*Please note: We limit the number of Coaching & Consulting Clients to ensure that you get the very best from us – We currently have availability.

Our Work Over the Past 20 Years

Trusted by NHS organisations, large corporate organisations, SME’s and schools

Choose Us


Consultancy Achievements

Programme Design Achievements

What to expect when you work with us:

  • 1-2-1 support for you
  • Attention to detail
  • Care and compassion

We love to work closely with our clients, we value long-term relationships and only work with clients who are a good match for us, share similar values and ultimately want to take action to support their colleagues.


W4B team’s Annual Charity event – Each year we pick a charity event to raise money for one of our chosen charities.

Follow our Instagram to keep up to date on training etc.

Get in touch to find out more

We can help you:

Evaluate organisational health & wellbeing     |     Develop strategic aims     |     Achieve your objectives