Wellbeing At Work Consultancy Success Stories
Absence case studies
- HEFT NHS Trust – Absence savings estimated at 2 days per person (16k more days of work). Reduction of £1.9m on average pay costs of staff that are off sick. Therefore, the reputation of HR and OH improved as absence has a big impact on quality of patient care and costs.
- Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre – Average of days lost to sickness absence per employee reduced from 8.4% to 7.3%. Occupational Health referrals for psychological problems have reduced by 83%. Days lost due to absence for psychological reasons reduced by 25%, 56% of staff feels that the Trust is committed to staff health and wellbeing
- Marks and Spencer – Absence for 2011/12 was 3.1%. Lowest ever, improved employee engagement scores by 1%, reduced referrals to 400 per annum – reduced by 600 in 12 months (1:875). Reinvested in Wellbeing strategy and began to focus on the 98% to improve employee wellbeing, employee engagement and fitness levels of all. We launched www.planahealth.com – which had 11,500 active users in first 6 months
General case studies
- Our work with the Foods Standards Agency in 2002/3. We achieved the following results from our work on wellbeing and work-life balance with managers and employees:
- Reduced absenteeism (self-reported) – dropped from 17.7 days in 2001-2 to 8.4 days. Due to this, improved morale – the percentage of people with morale levels low enough to be potential leavers reduced from 19% in 2001-2 to 11% in 2002-3. This is especially significant given it occurred during a year of change. Managers reported that the positive influence of health and wellbeing on their performance had improved by 27% from 2001-2 to 2002-3.
- GlaxoSmithKline in 2004/5 enabled us to implement a health risk appraisal programme (The WELL programme) that achieved:
- An uptake of 53% to 89% across the business. This is including office/manufacturing business units. The programme catalysed the GSK Road Map and Employee Health Management programme.
- Our work with Heart of England NHS Trust in 2008/9 enabled us to develop an integrated wellbeing strategy that helped the Trust to reduce absence and engage senior leaders in Energy and Vitality. The reputation of HR and OH improved as absence greatly impacts the quality of patient care and costs.
- OH efficiency has resulted in staffing cost savings of 10%. The executive team and senior management team’s energy and resilience have improved.
- The energy management programme for the Top50 resulted in 92% improving their energy levels. 82% feeling more engaged at work and 87% more engaged at home, concentration improved by 40%, 14% were happier in life. \
- 35% felt more in control of life and mental sharpness improved by 39%.
- Our work with M&S in 2010/11 enabled us to develop an integrated wellbeing programme that engaged ownership on key health risks. It also helped people to develop rituals that improve engagement (Home and work) and performance. With over 11000 pledges in over 6 months from a 64000 population, the M&S plan Ahealth website has been a huge success.
- We have enabled our clients to enter and win numerous prestigious awards, such as Personnel Today and Employee Benefits. Out of the City of York, schools won three awards in 2003.
Occupational health transformation case studies
- Gloucester County Council – Wellbeing4business Ltd began work with GCC began with an OH and Wellbeing Audit presented in January 2009. The project saved £86,953, or 23% of the original budget. Further savings were also made by reducing demand for counselling and reduced Dr days. The council also began to charge for services better to external clients by developing a pricing model. The project saved money and introduced a vast transformation in over 12 weeks. All work was delivered to schedule. We developed a suite of communication materials to launch the programme.
- Kings College Hospital – Our work enabled us to reduce costs on OH by £500,000, redevelop a more visible and efficient service and introduce new concepts. Due to this it helped us introduce things like a vocational rehabilitation service and overall wellbeing strategy. We recruited a physio and fitness coach to provide a fast-track musculoskeletal programme. We have launched numerous organisational challenges. In 2011 we successfully merged the trusts OH service with the South London and Maudsley.
- Hampshire County Council – Reduced triage timeline from 6 weeks to <5 days for counselling, the introduction of telephone triage and counselling, reduced throughput to face-to-face counselling by 60%. It also reduced counselling headcount by 45%, achieved +85% manager satisfaction ratings with the new referral process. Therefore it reduced external counsellor headcount, supervision time and adapted resources to meet demand, introduced online forms to reduce error and speed up processes, kept DNA rate <5%, reduced physician encounters from 61% to less than 30%.
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